Sunday, 9 June 2013

Founders Day

NTC's  Red Ensign

The distant sound of drums pounding, carrying on the wind, lines of uniformed officers and  cadets stretching across Littlehampton seafront as far as the eye can see... It can only be the Nautical Training Corps on Founders Day.

On a blustery 9th June 2013, some five-hundred members of the NTC converged to celebrate the 69th Founders Day. 

 Marching off at the later time of 12pm had given the opportunity for a little extra warmth, something that the public lining both sides of the beach undoubtably were glad of. 

As cadets and officers filled the parade ground, a service of thanks, remembrance and dedication began. Honoring those who have or are serving in the Armed Forces and the NTC.

A message from the Corps Commodore, Dave Wright explained the pride and gratitude felt for all the hard work of the members that make the NTC. Hard work recognised with the giving of medals and awards by Corps' Chair, Laura Moffat and Patron, Rear Admiral Lippiet 'As always, Officers and Cadets showed an impeccable turn out, it is always great to see this recognised'.

Ships covering the South of England completed the service with a march past with applause by spectators and invited guests alike. Flags,  the 'Colours' of Ships and the NTC proudly paraded.

Colour Parties, representing the Corps.

TS Ambuscade, marching past Officers and VIP's

The day drew to a close with regional activities in the main arena, including a gun run, minibus pull and tug of war which kept everyone entertained. Others mingled amongst the stalls or took part in the NTC bake off, as the sun made an appearance to complete a warm spirited, fun and friendly day...

Exhausted but elated, winners of the 'gun run'

Delicious treats available to reward the hard working... and hungry

Bake off!

 Full selection of photos available soon.