Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Shedfield 2013

September marks a big event in the NTC calendar; Shedfield National Camp.

Shedfield gives cadets the opportunity to enjoy what the NTC is all about, let their hair down and have a great time. I was invited along by the NTC’s Adventure Activities Director,  Commander Andrew Clarke and hosted by Lancing-based ship TS Intrepid.

Arriving on the Friday evening for my first NTC camp, the main field was awash with activity as everyone scrambled around under thunderous looking skies. There was a general vibe of excitement and anticipation of the rest of the weekend ahead. 

 With mugs of piping hot chocolate fresh from the galley, sunk under the cover of canvas, it was time to turn in for the night and drift off to the dull thudding sound of rain pelting against the tent.

Saturday is when the action really happens! Following a great breakfast and following Morning Parade, activities began with cadets divided up into groups and heading off in groups across the massive site. With over 100 people to impress, some officers decided to make a proper effort in the dress and turnout stakes. Nice.

There was always something to do, take part in, or learn. From pioneering, (including, appropriately  learning how to make a shelter from basic materials in the event of an untimely torrential downpour), to archery, assault course, rifle shooting, the ancient hunting weapon Atlatl, cadet favourite ‘Dogball golf’ climbing wall and rafting at the sites formidable ‘Lake Inferior’ home to the dangerous and occasionally deadly ‘Piranha Frogs’.  

Atlatl, the boxes didn't see what was coming to them!

Part one of the assault course

This tunnel deffinately got muddier over the weekend!

Impressive speed and strength on the climbing wall

Archery instruction during a sunny spell
They say a picture can paint a thousand words...

GONE! (Into the brown and pleasant waters of Lake Inferior)



Blind faith, blindfold during a tent building task (he was miles away!)

With dinner providing some much needed energy for Cadets and Officers alike, the rain bucketed down before mercifully giving way to a clear sky, allowing for night games under starlight before bed.  
Despite the best attempts of some decidedly autumnal showers, it had stayed warm during the day and made it all the more satisfying to be inside a thick sleeping bag when the heavens really opened and temperature dropped. 

The rain fell into the early hours and the promise of at least a glimpse of sun meant rainbows covering the morning sky above the camp and some extra mud to battle through during the final pair of activity sessions. The weekend concluded with an incredible rainstorm seeing the full representation of the NTC make a dash for TS Implacable’s huge tent and a final sunset to a makeshift flag. 

With camp packed and a course set for home, it was time to say a sad farewell to Shedfield and head for home. A great weekend showing the best of the NTC, with a team of people working together, Cadets having a fantastic time and Officers and volunteers putting on an event to be proud of, enjoyed by all... Next year though, I think we'll all book a little more sun...

Despite the rain there was always a great vibe.

Unusual headwear was deffinitely in!

Mike Gates PRO
Thanks to Andrew Clarke, Tyler Buckham, Paul Cronin, Stuart Ginnaw all the Officers, Cadets and Volunteers at Shedfield.